La copie Xerox de maman. Jovovich a montré à quoi ressemble sa fille de 16 ans.

Actress Milla Jovovich, 48, an American mother of three, presented her 16-year-old daughter. At first glance, it is evident that Ever has inherited all of his famous mother’s most notable traits.

Commentaries from Jovovich’s admirers have changed their perceptions of the Hollywood star’s inherited traits. “The perfect replica of a mother,” “One would say they are one and the same person.” Is this how it truly produces itself?,

“Trois âmes soeurs,” “La jeune fille est une copie conforme de sa maman,” “Quel look spectaculaire pour Ever,”

Commentaires sur les images de 16-année-old Ever : “Quelle chance que les gènes de maman aient été plus forts”, “De beaux yeux rayonnants”, “Sublime”.

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